When in the course of human events, profound transformations in human consciousness demand the birth of new political forms, it becomes necessary for a people to transcend the limitations of their age and establish modes of civilization and government worthy of humanity's highest potential.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that the human spirit knows no earthly bounds, that each generation must choose its own destiny, and that when technology opens new realms of human possibility, new forms of civilization must arise to meet them.
Our age witnesses an unprecedented transformation. Yet while humanity stands at the threshold of its greatest leap forward, existing political structures remain bound to geographic accident rather than chosen purpose, devoted to mere maintenance rather than ascending greatness, concerned with administering decline rather than pursuing glory.
Therefore, we, the founding citizens of Praxis, declare our intent to ascend beyond these limitations and establish a new form of human civilization: the Network Empire.
We ascend into the cloud, dissolving the arbitrary boundaries of physical territory. Our connections, our relationships, our shared vision and values create a new form of nation – one that exists wherever its citizens gather, whether in physical space or across the digital expanse.
We ascend into space, claiming humanity's destiny among the stars. We declare that Praxis will be the first civilization to congregate beyond Earth, extending human consciousness and community into the cosmos itself.
We ascend toward transcendence, striving to reunite with the eternal principles that shaped our highest civilizations. As the warrior-kings once sought the sacred Grail, so too shall we build an empire where true power flows from heroic courage and alignment with the divine order. Through this sacred pursuit, we will restore the foundations that elevated mankind beyond mere existence into ever greater heights of greatness and glory.
To these ends, we bind our destinies together as citizens of the first network empire. We commit ourselves to:
We undertake these commitments not in opposition to existing nations, but in recognition that humanity stands ready to evolve beyond current forms. We invite all who share our vision to join us in this great ascension.
In testimony whereof, we, the founding citizens of Praxis, hereby pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor in pursuit of these noble aims. We sign this declaration not merely for ourselves, but for all generations hence, that they might know the courage of those who dared to build anew when history called.
Let it be written in the eternal record that on this sixth day of November, two thousand and twenty-four, at the first Praxis World Congress, humanity took its first step toward a greater destiny.